Tuesday 31 December 2019

2019 - 成长与自我探索

31/12/2019 - 2019年的最后一天,我想给今年做个小总结。


But because you said so, i will follow.

Then You made me win favor in the sight of man.

有人说我要自信一点,祢也说don't doubt your ability。
Not by might, not by power, but by the holy spirit。

只有祢知道在这个过程中有多少的挣扎,所以我深知 this is nothing short of Your grace。


祢的一句 it's not your fault,是那最有力的钥匙。


Someone once said, grace rarely makes sense for those looking in from the outside. You may not resonate with me, but I want to let you know that, for where I am now, it is not because of what I have done, but because of who He is.

That's my 2019, and now, 2020.
2020 was a year that I looked forward to; but it became a promise not kept.
2020 is a year where uncertainties lie; but I trust that You will make my paths straight.
And I know that 2020 will be a year of hope; for there is an excitement in me that something great will happen.



Sunday 31 December 2017

告别 2017

2017 年感觉特别不容易,也是推使着我去成长的一年。成长的路上总会面对生离死别,要如何应对还是人生的一门功课。


从下半年到现在,从未如此地与你亲近。Tears became the best words my heart can speak,而我知道你听得见。如果人的一生只有那么几次你会闯入我们的生命,那这会是我印象中的第一次。信主四年半,你的第一次闯入,让我在破碎中再重建。我对重生,对新生命,有了新的见解。放下旧我,除了放下自身的不良习惯,还有那一个自己以为保护得很好的自己,和被自己否定了的自己。

当Mike说你听见我的祷告时,我哭了。他离开前,还特别叮嘱我别忘记。不只是困难的时候不要忘记,而是这一生都不要忘记你听见我的声音。老爸说,不要丢失你造我的样式。Bubbly girl... 这个形容词多久没人用在我的身上了。我想,我似乎在很久以前已经因为这个世界而丢失了自己。我,你所造的我,是活泼的,是好奇心极强,不惧怕,爱哭也爱笑的。。。


这一年特别不容易,从逃避到面对,已经是超乎了我的极限。And when I'm stretched, I know that this is the time to grow. Your love and grace is greater than my inabilities and sorrow. For this, I can never thank you enough.

I will wait for you, my soul waits for you, and in your words I put my hope. I will wait for you, wait for the tree of life...


Wednesday 20 September 2017

顺服 · 等候

这或许是第一次,听道到哭了。很多时候在座位上,或多或少会与讲员感同身受,或感动,或伤心,或醒悟,亦或毫无兴趣... 但这次,听着Aaron老爸的讲道,是真的扎心。感觉祢的同在很强,仿佛祢就在我面前和我说话。



将近十年前,我也曾经走到生命的尽头。当时年幼,想离开,只是... 想去的地方不是家。是祢,在我最无助的时候阻止了我的冲动。在我绝望求告的时候,祢把加百列天使带到我的生命当中。这就是为什么我始终认为这是祢所预备的。而当我再一次走到尽头,我是否该对自己说声恭喜,因为人的尽头,就是基督的开始。


你尝试了很多种方法,但都没有用。就像多半时候,我们其实都有意识知道自己的能力有限。可是潜意识里还是不愿意承认这个事实,我们用尽了所有方法去努力,去争取,直到碰壁到累了才甘愿休止。我们人很多时候,第一感觉就是靠自己的能力解决问题,却不知其实自己不熟水性。到无路可走了,就摇醒我们的靠山,寻求帮助。整个过程当中,我们忘了最基本的东西,也是最难办到的 -- 信心。

口里说信,心里想信,肉体却软弱了。当你遇见困难的时候,就是信心的挑战了。看似在睡觉的耶稣,其实心里是明亮的。In every storm, God knows and He is in control. When He is silent, He is doing something for you. 你相信吗?祂的沉默,或许是祂知道你能够应付,要你学习,也或许是因为你的心里没给祂留个位置。我无法知道结果,但我相信会是美好的,正如祢给我生命里加添的恩典。



选择继续,就是要为我的任性付上代价。我要了多少时间,就得花费多少努力来弥补。很辛苦,心里还是有些许不愿意。但我向祢承诺,我会乖乖地成长,也麻烦祢要替我善后。只是... 我还是做不到不为这个祷告。因为在我的认知里,那是祢的礼物。而祢给我的讯息,是等候,等候祢来做工,而非放弃。





Saturday 1 July 2017












致那个已逝的曾经,感谢你塑造了我 (:   

Tuesday 12 January 2016



2016 的年头,和三位好友闯进了非洲领域,在摩洛哥呆了一个星期。与其说去游玩,我更喜欢去体验生命这个说法。一个与我格格不入的地方和文化,让我从顾虑,到安心,到欣然,到感慨。








Sunday 27 December 2015






你们也要好好的 (:

Monday 22 July 2013


月色   洒了满地




Sunday 30 June 2013

OBS 2013 :)

So, I survived at OBS :D

After 5 days of theories at BTN, we went to OBS for 7 days, from 23rd to 29th of June. Before this, I have never heard of OBS until I got to know that Petronas will be sending their scholars there. Outward Bound School, a place to train and challenge people at different age, mentally and physically. Since primary school, I enjoy camping and participating in outdoor activities, mostly on land. This camp had given me different kind of exposure and of course, it would be the once in our life time, for all 57 Petronas scholars who went.

During first few days, we had to change our programme accordingly due to the high air pollution index. Initially, we should be going for land and sea expedition, jungle trekking up and down 3 peaks at Pangkor Island and kayaking around the Pangkor Island. Unfortunately, the haze was not gone until it rained on the third day, we only had enough time for one and they have chosen the sea expedition. When the API was still high, Petronas did ask us to vote whether we would like to stay there or go home. I personally voted to stay, as it would have been wasted if we chose to go home when we haven't even complete the programme. At the end of the day, majority won, and we stayed, I'm glad that we have made the right choice :)

On the first day, all our food, books and electronic gadgets were kept by instructors. Then, it was some introduction session to enable us to know each other better. I was in the group Yong Belar, "Yong" is actually mountain in Orang Asli's language, so my group is Gunung Belar. We had 15 group members, our instructor was Mr Firdaus, After we had introduced ourselves, he shared with us about how did he come to become an instructor at OB Malaysia. We were quite surprised to hear that he graduated from a degree in culinary arts. Along the path in searching for the most suitable occupation, he worked in a hotel, as a customer service at Astro, attended an interview to become a fire fighter and at the end, an OB instructor. He also shared with us how he went through the test in becoming an instructor, where he capsized 3 times during kayaking, building the solo tent like a "kenduri" style etc, and still, he did not choose to give up. His determination in achieving success is something that we should learn.

Abang Firdaus, Me and Syn Yee

On the second and third day, we went for a small scale jungle trekking. We also learnt how to kayak, my partner was Harvard (yes, his name is Harvard and he will be studying in the US lol!). We were taught how to forward, backward, long turn, sharp turn as well as the thing that I dislike the most, capsize and what to do after that. Most of the people knows that I can't swim, I'm afraid of being in water and not touching the bottom -.- However, everyone had to do it and I did it as well, it was like counting 1, 2, 3 and capsized, and came out from the boat and swim up. Sounds simple? But I don't like lol! 

Then, we had some indoor games, rope climbing and rock climbing. Nothing much about these, but I really want to compliment Syiqin for being so brave and not giving up. She is seriously afraid of height, she cried while she was halfway climbing up the rope, then our instructor had to let her down. During the rock climbing which was much more harder than the rope activity, she decided to give it a try. Halfway up the wall, she struggled and cried too, but this time she didn't let go. Together with the supports and cheers from instructors and participants, she made it to the top! Bravo Syiqin! 

Besides, we had raft building too. All 4 groups were to build a raft that can support all the members and compete with each other on the sea to reach the destination. It was not too hard for our group, we had some people who knew how to tie a knot and a bunch of guys who contributed their strength. On the way moving forward, our group was the second, then we made a quick and nice sharp turn to go back to the starting point which made us the champion :P It was fun sitting on the raft that we built ourselves, shouting One Two, One Two and kicking water at the same time haha. 

Yong Belar with our raft! ^.^ v

On the fourth day, we could finally see Pangkor Island from Lumut after the big rain, it was very beautiful. This day, we started our 3 days 2 nights sea expedition. We departed after we packed everything and had our lunch. Everyone seemed to be very excited, normally we do kayak at lake or river, and now we were going to kayak at the sea! We went on to the kayak by pairs except Rheza, we had odd number of participants and he became the one who kayak alone~ First day of kayaking was not bad, except that I was hoping not to capsize along the way especially when the waves were strong. We took around 2 hours to reach the campsite.

Look, they are excited, aren't they? :)

There were a lot of monkeys at the campsite and the toilet area was scary lol! We built tents, set up fire to cook and there gone our first night. The next morning, we woke up around 5am to prepare breakfast and pack everything. Around 7.30am, we left the campsite and moved on. The real challenge has begun -- kayaking around the Pangkor Island. We did have a great start as the sea was peaceful. Instructors told us that we were fast, if nothing goes wrong, we would probably reach the second campsite in the afternoon. 

A few hours have gone, most of us were feeling tired especially under the hot sun. We are just normal human being, going slower and slower when we knew that we were near to the destination. While we were taking our time, the sky started to become dark. I was just telling Harvard to move faster, then the storm came. The wind was blowing so strong, together with the waves, we couldn't get our way straight. From far, we could see that all boats were no longer in the formation, we were going further from each other.

As one of the boats that were at the middle, we were quite far away from the front. We tried to catch up with them but we failed, it was just to hard to pedal. Looking back, there were a lot of people far behind us. There were no one around us, the speedboat went behind to pick up some of them who were too far away from the group, one at a time using the speedboat. For once, I asked Harvard, before anything happened, should we just blow the whistle and ask for help, or should we just land at the beach nearby? He took a while and replied, let's move on :) 

So, we moved on. We didn't have the strength to continue, the waves kept pushing my pedal to the back and it hit Harvard's pedal. Both of us were panic, but I knew I shouldn't stop, it won't get us anywhere but we would just capsize. And if the boat capsize, with the strong waves, I knew that I couldn't stay calm and wait for the instructor to come, I would struggle and it might cost my life even though I had a life jacket. At that point of time, I had only one thought --- I couldn't afford to capsize. We had to keep on doing sharp turn to get our direction straight, it ended up where I became the one who gave the command and Harvard contributed his strength lol. I knew it was hard for him, especially that it took a lot of strength to make a sharp turn to go against the flow. 

After struggling for so long, we finally reached the destination. We saw a lot of people cried, the first round of headcount had only 30+ people out of 57, there were almost half of us who had not make their way here. Speedboats went around to pick them up and we prayed for the safety of all. Thank God at the end of the day, all of us arrived safely. It was challenging and we would probably experience it only once in our lifetime. Harvard and I were grateful to have each other along the way, I taught him how to determine the direction to go against the wave and he used off all his strength to get us to the destination. 

During the sharing session at night, some of us shared our experience. Rheza, the one who kayak alone shared that during the storm, he felt extremely helpless. He was too tired to pedal against the strong waves and there was no one to help him, he had to make it to the destination himself. At that point of time, he was telling his God to just let him die, he just couldn't continue anymore. Out of a sudden, he felt the strength in him, then he kayak to the beach nearby, landed there and asked for help. Throughout the journey, he was saved by the speedboat for 3 times lol! Another pair, Ayuni and her partner, their boat capsized after hitting by the waves. They came out from the boat and tried to get the support from the boat to float, then the boat capsized and they were brought down into the seawater again, it happened 3 times until they could stay still and blow the whistle. Both of them were really panic and if it was not the whistle, instructors wouldn't find them. 

I was glad that instructors have chosen the sea expedition for us instead of the land. It might not be something that I would like to do, but if it was not OBS, I wouldn't get to experience it in my lifetime. I wouldn't expect that one like me, who don't know how to swim and afraid of water, to actually kayak on the sea for more than 5 hours, with the storm, and survived. The instructor was right, we were not expected to remember how to pedal, how to built up a tent, how to set up fire etc in the future, but there will always be something that we will not forget, how hard we have tried to survive, to overcome our fear in life, how we have been holding our friends tight to go through all these together. Are we still going to be like this in the future? Will all of us remember the moments that we have went through together as a Petronas family? God knows :)

Not forgetting to mention about the second campsite, there was no washroom there and we had to settle our "business" at "anywhere" :X Then, we used the well water for shower. I wouldn't call it a shower, the water was grey in colour, it made my body and hair smelled like the drain water lol! Well, we called it back to basic, so couldn't really care much about it, at least we have some water there. On the next morning, we went back to the OBS place and ended our 3 days 2 nights sea expedition, with around 10 hours of kayaking. 

After cleaning boats and unpacking all the things, we went back for a nice shower before we started to prepare for the BBQ night. As usual, we were required to perform. During the night, it was performance and food together with instructors, participants and our Petronas officers who came all the way from KL. On the last day, we had our quick and short closing ceremony, certificates were given out together with our group photo on the first day. And so, 57 of us, officially "graduated" from the Outward Bound School :) 

Got a certificate and a badge hehe~ 

Hmmm..... a lot to say about this. A big thanks to our instructors, specifically to my watch's instructor, Mr Firdaus as well as Yong Belar people. Generally, girls are really good in cooking and guys contributed their strength in everything. In life, people around us are the Ankle and Belayer while we are the Climber. A lot of times, they give us their full support in order for us to achieve what we want. Thank you Petronas for spending so much on us for this OBS programme, it was a great one! I wouldn't have the chance to experience these if I did not go to OBS, the sea expedition really did challenge me to the maximum. I would also like to say that all our juniors are awesome, they are good in their own way and the bonding between them are really strong :)

我也看见了红月 :)

After this camp, 
I tell myself, 
I must learn how to swim -.-

Tuesday 30 April 2013


我也有今天了,哈哈,哈哈哈 =.=



而祢,总是这样,我越说不能的东西,祢就会要我去推翻自己的拒绝。因祢知道,其实我是可以的,只是很多时候,我都否定了自己。所以,我被置于一群获得奖学金的学生当中。说真的,一开始的确会不习惯的,我根本不属那一类人啊~ 不但如此,祢还特地安排了我在他们三个人身边,成了四人一班,俗称 “further maths gang” 。

和他们三个在一起,是很开心的。可是每每说到学业,我简直就是和三个在各自中学全校第一的学生一起,犹如和三个黄诗怡(10 年公教第一的优异生)一起上课 =.= 如果我告诉你没有压力,那就是个莫大的谎言了。四个人在一个班,一对三,倘若我不把自己的成绩也变得像他们的一样漂亮怎么行。

我想,祢就是知道这方法对我最有效,才刻意做了这么一个安排。结果,明知道自己可以拿 account,却还是选择了 further maths。预考成绩出了。这一次,我真的做到了,把之间的距离给合起来了,甚至在某些程度上超越了。看着自己满分的考卷,老师还骗我是50/100,心里其实真的很感恩。纵使仅有这一次,或者算我幸运,可就这一次预考,给了我很大的推动力。

从来,都未曾像这两年那么努力,那么希望可以把自己的成绩推向巅峰。从来,都未曾以成绩为承诺,都未曾让成绩来主宰我的道路。这一次,真的好笑了~ 祢要让我看见的,就是这个对吧?谁说我高攀不住那群优异生,到最后,还不是自己不够奋斗。在祢的引领下,没有难成的事。这,是真的。

倒数两个星期了。这一次,我读书了,还是没有最后一分钟才来拼的。祢并没有只是把我放在这里就离开了,祢给我这么好的他们。我可以说,如果不是他们三个,我其实也不会那么努力地去突破。如果今天班上不是只是我和他们三个,我也不会想过其实我还可以做得更好。就像今天和 min wen 说的,我衷心地感激他们一直以来的帮助,在我无法解答的时候给予教导。



If you want something that you have never had,
then you must do something that you have never done!

Sunday 28 April 2013

今天,我明了 :')







今天,祢答复了。我听见了,真的听见了。祢对我说:孩子,别再伤心,别再低落了。你要相信我,随着我的计划而来的,是比你想像中更好的美意。离去的人,我已经把他们接到了我的国度里了。你所呼求的,我都听见了。不要急,慢慢来,你可以的 :)



